Forwarding • Transport • Warehousing
For the last 20 years, Figyelő, the determining Hungarian business magazine is hosting each autumn the TOP200 conference followed by a gala event for the most developed enterprises of our country, traditionally with the participation of BI-KA Logitics.
We are proud, that for the second year in a row, BI-KA Logistics is part of the Most Successful Rising Companies list, amongst only a few enterprises representing our industry. The list of SMEs is prepared for the fifth time, based on the data retrieved from Bisnode and the National Customs Authority and presents companies with outstanding performance over the past twelve months. Compared to last year, BI-KA Logistics improved and stepped ahead 25 ranks, strengthening its position on the list of Hungary’s most successful rising enterprises in 2016.
There are only 50 companies on the list of rising companies, being family owned, whereof only 20 have been on this honorable list the past year. Characteristically these ventures improved their net sales and increased their workforce as well – so did we, being a successful family owned company, strengthening also our position as regional leading provider of forwarding and logistics services by improving the quality and effectiveness of our state-of-the art services.
Being part of this list, we are heading to close a successful year – the year where BI-KA’s 25 years history has been part of the reputable Forbes magazine as well.