Forwarding • Transport • Warehousing
The operation of BI-KA Logisztika Kft. celebrating its 25th birthday was marked by growth form every aspect in the last year. It has increased its sales revenue by 11% and the headcount of its employees by 38% while doubling the number of transport vehicles owned by it in a single year.
„The success achieved by our company was made possible by the painstaking and responsible work conducted by our colleagues and the esteemed confidence granted by our partners. We will do everything in our power to ensure that they remain maximally satisfied with the services provided by us” – stated Gabriella Szécsi, the company’s manager.
According to the logistic service provider, beside the flexible and accurate servicing of customers, the main pillar of growth is the innovative attitude that marks their strategic vision and realistic objectives. This is proven by the fact that the CLAAS group, one of the leading agricultural machine manufacturers awarded the title „Best Logistics Supplier of 2015” to BI-KA Kft.
The CLAAS group has been organizing its event called Supplier’s Day since 2004, inviting its suppliers who have displayed exceptional performance and quality. The company group choose the awardees based on a strict scoring criteria from among nearly 1000 suppliers in 2015. The standardized evaluation criteria included aspects such as cost effectivity, high service quality, innovation and proactivity. BI-KA Logisztika Kft. has been part of the CLAAS group for 10 years now. Cooperation has been getting increasingly stronger throughout the years which has now received ample recognition through this award.